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How to Leverage Your Strengths


Sarah’s First Job as a Leader

Since she was a child, Sarah has been a natural leader. She loves getting people together and hashing out ideas.

So, when she was assigned to lead a marketing team, she was excited. But as she got into the details of the job, she realized that everything that needed to be done was not in her strength zone.

She wasn't good at putting together detailed agendas and making sure the meetings stayed on topic. She was better at coming up with ideas and brainstorming with her team. But she didn't want to let her team down, so she found a way to make it work. She delegated the agenda to someone on her team who was good at it and focused on leading instead.

The team came up with great ideas and Sarah felt fulfilled in her role. Everyone was successful.

Focus on What You Do Well

We all have an equal helping of both strengths and weaknesses. Yet, we tend to focus on our weaknesses.

What would happen if instead you leveraged your strengths? It can be easy to get caught up in trying to improve the areas where you struggle, but it’s important to take time to focus on what you do well. When you focus on what you do well, you are able to build on those skills and use them as a foundation for achieving success.

Just as it takes time and effort to clearly understand your weaknesses, it also takes time and effort to understand your strengths. But once you do, you will know what sets you apart and you can make the most of those strengths to achieve the success that only you could achieve.

The Discover You Program

At the UpCloseTeam, we use the DISC model of human behaviour to help you understand your strengths. Our Discover You program offers a powerful tool for recognizing what you do well. Visit our website to learn more.

Five Steps to Leverage Your Strengths

  1. Define your strengths. The first step to leveraging your strengths is to identify what they are. Think about the things you are naturally good at and enjoy doing. These are your strengths. If you’re not sure what your strengths are, ask a friend or family member for their input.
  2. Find a role that suits your strengths. Focus on your natural talents. Once you know what your strengths are, you can start looking for roles that suit them. For example, if you’re a people person, you might want to consider a role in customer service or sales. If you’re good at problem solving, you might want to consider a role in research or analysis.
  3. Use your strengths to your advantage. Once you’ve found a role that suits your strengths, it’s time to start using them to your advantage. Leverage your strengths in everything you do and look for opportunities to use your strengths as often as possible. The more you use your strengths, the better you will become at them and the more successful you will be.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Even when you’re good at something, you still need help sometimes. It’s okay to reach out and you won’t succeed if you don’t. When you find yourself struggling, look for someone who has more experience and ask them for help.
  5. Keep developing your strengths. Never stop expanding your strengths. The world is always changing and so are the skills that are in demand. By keeping your strengths current and expanding into new areas, you will have the skills to remain successful. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” – Benjamin Franklin

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