How to Ask Great Questions and Become a Better Leader

growth Aug 30, 2022

All Questions Are Not Created Equal

Do you want to be a better leader? If so, start by learning how to ask great questions. All questions are not created equal. Some questions are more powerful than others.

Asking the right questions can help you gain a better understanding of yourself, your team, and the world. When you know how to ask the right questions, you are a better leader and you make better decisions.

In this blog post, we will discuss the art of questioning and provide some tips for doing it well.

The Importance of Great Questions

Asking great questions has a number of benefits. First, asking a great question shows that you are interested in others and their opinions. This can help build trust and rapport.

Also, asking great questions helps you gather information and get to the root of problems. With the answer to each great question, you can insight and can ask more questions of the same quality. This leads to deeper understanding for everyone involved. Plus, once you...

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5 Tips for Staying Focused

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2022

Distractions Abound

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with distractions, it can be difficult to focus on anything for more than a few minutes. Whether it's the constant notifications from your phone, the never-ending stream of comments on social media, or simply the general noise and bustle of daily life, it can feel impossible to focus on anything.

But the ability to focus is a skill that can be learned and there are practical steps we can all take to be more productive. Time is the most precious resource any of us have. Isn't it worth learning to use that resource well? As Peter Drucker said, "Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else."

Statistics on the Impact of Distractions

The costs of distraction may be higher than you realize. A recent study completed by TeamStage found that:

  • 50% of employees say they are distracted by their phones at work.
  • 98% of the workforce gets interrupted by distractions 3 or 4 times a day.
  • People who are distracted make twice as...
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The Amazing Power of the Compound Effect

change growth habits Aug 08, 2022

Little Nudges Over Time

Imagine if you could exponentially increase your results simply by doing something small every day. This is the secret recipe for success in every area of life.

We accomplish our goals not by one big push, but by little nudges over time. That's the power of what Darren Hardy calls the compound effect.

In his book entitled The Compound Effect he tells us, "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

Here's How It Works

The compound effect is gradual. By following a consistent process, we accomplish extraordinary results over time. Daily actions compound as time passes. Great things can be accomplished by anyone willing to harness this power.

In business, the compound effect is often seen in the form of compounding interest. The longer we keep our money invested, the more it will grow.

In fitness, the compound effect can be seen in the way that small changes to our diet and...

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How to Build Stronger Relationships

personality purpose Jul 25, 2022

The Story of Two Friends

Nick and James have been friends for years. Nick is the life of the party, always up for an adventure. James is more reserved, preferring to plan ahead.

They decide to go on a joint holiday with their families. They agree to split the work: Nick will book the campsites and James will plan the meals.

On the day their vacation is to start, Nick is excited and looking forward to having fun together. He was a little busy with work and didn't ask for a confirmation of their camping reservation until the last minute. James knows his friend well and has a backup campsite ready just in case, but it turns out to not be necessary. Nick gets the confirmation email just in time, minutes before they leave together for their vacation.

Should One of Them Change?

Some people might think Nick should straighten up and take better care of details. Others might think James should learn to loosen up and enjoy himself.

What if neither of them needs to change? What if instead, we...

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6 Ways to Enhance Your Thinking Skills

thinking Jul 19, 2022

The World's Great Thinkers

Throughout history, advances in the world have resulted from great thinkers. Great thinking led to penicillin, computers, putting humankind on the moon, and more.

We need people who can focus their critical and creative thinking towards the challenges of our times. You may believe that great thinkers are someone else, somebody with a different type of education or a job different than yours.

This is not true. Every one of us is as capable of great thinking as any other. Thinking is a skill everyone can master.

The Power of Thinking

Positive, insightful thoughts can do many things. Thinking allows us to review issues, generate ideas, and solve problems. Our thoughts can take us from where we are in any given moment all the up to the highest levels of success. If you change your thinking, you change your life.

Thinking That Creates Change

In his book, "How Successful People Think", John C. Maxwell reminds us of three important aspects of the kind of...

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Are You Living Your Life Intentionally?

purpose Jun 29, 2022

Awareness and Focus

You may have heard that it's important to live intentionally. But what does that mean? How can we tell the difference between living with intention and simply living?

The difference lies in two basic qualities of existence: awareness and focus.

When we live intentionally, we approach every day with purpose and meaning. We are present in the moment and we make choices that align with our values.

Authenticity Takes Work

While this may all sound straightforward, it takes lots of dedicated work. In order to be authentic, we have to put serious energy into learning who we really are. The end result is that we are able to live an authentic life that is meaningful. Anything less is unsatisfying.

4 Steps Towards an Intentional Life

Here are some practical steps for moving towards living your life intentionally:

  1. Get clear on your values and what you want in life. Take the time to examine what you care about the most. This helps you uncover your core values and life...
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If You Want to Be a Leader, Lead Yourself

Leadership is Like Beauty

So much of life is lived by instinct. Theories and definitions are helpful, but instincts can sometimes take us more quickly to the truth. I’m sure you’ve come across powerful definitions of leadership and you know the qualities of a good leader. There is no doubt such knowledge is helpful. But as Warren Bennis once said, “Leadership is like beauty—it’s hard to define, but you know it when you see it.”

Not so long ago, a young man contacted me. He was looking to achieve a life goal of finding a position that would actively support his ongoing growth. He was willing to attend formal classes, but wanted on-the-job training in a profession that interested him.

A person he knew had worked with the UpCloseTeam on their transformational leadership and personal growth. Based on their recommendation, he reached out to me.

This young man had not quite finished high school, but he knew what he wanted and he recognized that he...

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Understanding People is the Greatest Asset

Being able to understand people is the greatest asset anyone can have. In their book, "Becoming a Person of Influence", John Maxwell and Jim Dornan remind us that being able to understand others can have a positive impact on more than just your success in business.

It can impact every area of your life.

How can we become better at understanding the people in our life? It starts with communication. Often when we think about communication, we focus on talking. Yet the most powerful aspect of communication is not talking.

It's listening. More than anything, most of us yearn to be really heard.

When we feel that the person we're with is really listening, we feel respected. If you listen with care and ask questions to make sure you understand, you will develop a greater understanding of the people in your life.

By listening with care, you can learn what motivates a person. You can even anticipate how they may react to a situation. You can influence them in a positive way.

Many of the...

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Key Concepts: Personal Development for Smart People

personal development Jun 06, 2022

Personal development for smart people is a path that I’ve been on for as long as I can remember. It’s been the most rewarding journey of my life, and it’s also had its share of ups and downs. The same goes for many other people who have tried to improve themselves. It’s a lifelong process to get better at anything—but especially so when it comes to personal development. This is because we’re dealing with our own limiting beliefs and blind spots, which are often invisible to us but can be seen by others very clearly. What follows here are some key concepts that will help you on your journey toward personal development:

What Is Truth?

Truth is a difficult concept to define because most people don’t understand what it means. In fact, there are many different interpretations of truth and many different ways to recognize it.

To start with, let’s look at how we define “truth” in everyday language. The dictionary defines the word...

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What is Quality Leadership?

leadership May 31, 2022

The question of what quality leadership looks like is a perennial one. Some say that good leaders are born, not made; others contend that anyone can learn to be a good leader. In reality, quality leadership means something different from person to person, group to group, and organization to organization. Overarching every theory about leadership is the concept that leaders are different from managers: they inspire and motivate rather than direct and control; they empower rather than micro-manage; they manage change instead of resisting it, and they value people instead of tasks or techniques. Underlying all successful organizations are strong leaders who have mastered these skills.  

Leadership is when a person imposes their views on others.

Your leadership style is what you do when no one is looking. It’s not how you talk or how much money you make. Leadership is about listening to people, getting to know them, and helping them reach their goals.

Leadership is when...

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